Francoise Hascoet Therapist Energy and spiritual therapy London South East United Kingdom [email protected] fhtherapy Energy therapy, spiritual healing and counselling fhtherapy Francoise Hascoet fhtherapy Energy therapy, spiritual healing and counselling Kew Gardens London South East United Kingdom fhtherapy Energy therapy, spiritual healing and counselling 2003 Francoise Hascoet [email protected] Cash

energy therapy

françoise hascoët

Here is a selection of clients' testimonials...

I have seen Francoise Hascoet for energy healing sessions monthly for 3 years. Working with her has been one of the single most life changing experiences I have ever had. She has literally transformed my life, my emotions and my perception of the world. I was someone who suffered from depression and anxiety since I was a child and during my teens and 20’s was on and off anti depressant and anti anxiety medicine. I saw a psychologist for approximately 15 years. Francoise’s technique is the only treatment I have had that is actually effective. I no longer am on medication and no longer see a psychologist. She has helped me to become my true and authentic self and has opened up an entirely new world for me. My husband now sees her and we both feel blessed that Francoise has been a major part of our lives.

She will transform you and help you to become the person you were put on this earth to be.

C. A., London

I started seeing Francoise a few years ago, further to a recommendation from a friend. She has helped me tremendously during the past four years, in particular after my two pregnancies when I was confronted with post natal blues, identity crisis and various transitions in my life. I have recommended her to many of my friends, work peers and family members whilst they were going through difficult events or periods in their life and I have seen many of them change, shed some of their old habits and negative patterns and experience relief and positive change.

K. B., London

Simply put, Francoise has changed my life. She has helped me shed deep-seeded longstanding issues and today, I am a more confident and more successful person because of her. More importantly, she has helped me evolve into a truly happy person who believes he can shape his future to suit his dreams. Francoise is a kind, open minded, non-judgemental healer who has a deep understanding of the human spirit. I am going to miss her tremendously and I can confidently say that anyone who ends up seeing her is extremely lucky and will be the better for it. I could not recommend her more whole-heartedly

S. K., London

You helped me in so many ways that it is hard to describe but i think it is fair to say that you have changed my life dramatically for the better.

W. S., London

I have worked with Francoise for four years, a year and a half of which was very systematic, with frequent sessions (about once every 4 weeks). I met Francoise at a time of an accumulation of high stress in my life which had dramatically weakened my vitality. The work that I did with her in the ensuing months was tremendously helpful. It was not only curative in the physical and emotional sense but also instrumental in helping me realign my goals and objectives in life, improve my relationships and ultimately live a more fulfilling life. I really dread to think about where I would be now had I not been seeing Francoise over the course of a few years. Her work takes place on various planes of existence and effects are not always immediately obvious, but if one is patient and determined, lasting results and profound changes can be achieved. I can't thank Francoise enough for sharing her healing gift with me and am happy for all who will be blessed to be helped by her on their life path.

B. C., London

Francoise has been one of the most important person I met in London. She is extremely sensitive and experienced and her main purpose is to use her multiple professional and personal tools to help us becoming and being the best we can be. Francoise has always been very kind and helpful. She never judges, always tries to understand who you are and how you feel.

She has a great capacity to connect with you and with all your realities in order to better serve and help you.

The objective when seeing Francoise is to feel better, heal what needs to be healed emotionally and physically and be able to give reality to the most beautiful and powerful part of ourselves. She has been the ONLY one (and I have seen a few) able to do so with me and I am most grateful for the fantastic job she has done.... giving me the opportunity to better understand myself and progress on my personal life.

If you read those words, thank the life for having met Francoise and don't hesitate to start work with her: the best is ahead thanks to this decision your soul and head are about to take.

M. F., London

Francoise helped me to heal many fears I had. When I met her I was going through a difficult phase of my life. She welcomed me with an open heart and guided me to find balance and harmony. After the first session I already could feel the difference physically, emotionally and life began to change around me for the better. She is one of the reasons I am so happy today and I am so grateful. Thank you.

K. M., London

I was experiencing sudden slumps in my energy levels and a friend suggested I see Francoise. The first appointment involved talking through my personal history and then an explanation of how she works. After this I laid on the couch and felt relaxed and in safe hands. Francoise's calm and confident approach and her precise insights into my past and present were astonishing. Her clear explanations about what she found that needed attention and the next steps that she could take, as well as guidance about things I could follow up on left me feeling encouraged. A direct outcome of the appointment was a steadier stream of energy and a clearer understanding of some habits and beliefs that need a closer look. It feels like Francoise has opened up a prism through which I can view my life as it is now and how I would like it to be from now on.

M. V., London

Thank you so much for your help in the last couple of years. My husband and I both feel having met you has been a blessing in our lives.

B. S., London

I had been at a major turning point in my life following redundancy and she was instrumental in setting me firmly on my new path. In this instance two sessions with Francoise were all that was needed and I am most grateful to her for helping to clear the residue holding me back from the most fulfilling and significant work it seems I have been moving towards all my life. Francoise works with total professionalism and integrity and I cannot recommend her highly enough.

W. D., London

Francoise is a thoughtful, caring healer who takes the time to understand her patients. I highly recommend her.

D. T., London

I feel I developed so much in so many different ways since I have known you. You helped me so much in understanding myself better and giving me what I needed to develop into a 'better me' or shall I say to have 'more light' in my life. Your wide range of knowledge, spirituality and work ethic are to be admired. Additionally I always appreciated your calm personality, always taking the time to listen and explain things when needed and always full of great advice. I feel my life would have been so different today if our paths hadn't crossed and hence I feel so lucky I had the chance to know you.

B. D., London

Your kindness, guidance and reassurance to everyone whom you've met will stay with them for their whole lives. The difference you make bringing people their own inner happiness cannot be expressed by words alone, you are a true angel.

B. G. K., London

I know I haven't had the opportunity to visit you as often as I would have liked but I just wanted to tell you how important you have been in my life. I would go as far as to say you are the only ‘therapist' I have seen that I have really trusted and felt was right for me.

S. A., Scotland

I have been seeing Francoise for energetic healings for a number of years and have been feeling the many benefits. Francoise creates a caring and supportive atmosphere and the healings have always been both gentle and powerful. I have experienced improved general health and well-being over the course of the healings, and I highly recommend her work.

K. A., London