Francoise Hascoet Therapist Energy and spiritual therapy London South East United Kingdom [email protected] fhtherapy Energy therapy, spiritual healing and counselling fhtherapy Francoise Hascoet fhtherapy Energy therapy, spiritual healing and counselling Kew Gardens London South East United Kingdom fhtherapy Energy therapy, spiritual healing and counselling 2003 Francoise Hascoet [email protected] Cash

energy therapy

françoise hascoët

Welcome and thank you for visiting my website.

My name is Françoise Hascoët and I am an Energy therapist. Over the years, I have combined energy healing and holistic tools to form a profound and unique therapy. It helps people evolve to new levels of health and well being, but more importantly, to reach new levels of consciousness.

It is a natural hands on or off process that is non invasive and works on the human energetic field. It works on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It provides support and relief on a vast range of issues and enables people to gain a clearer understanding of their own unique path and purpose.

As you can read on the testimonial page, many clients have reported that these sessions have been life changing and a very empowering experience that has helped to put them on an inspired and purposeful path.

It has been and continues to be my absolute pleasure and privilege to work with everyone that comes to me for help. It is a humbling and enriching experience to share a person’s path and I am deeply grateful to be given the opportunity to do so.
